Webmaster (Design/Technical Implementation):
Wolfgang Strauß
Forststraße 23/1
89555 Steinheim am Albuch
E-Mail: webmaster@the-scorpions.com
No autograph requests, no messages directly to the band and no booking requests!

Legal Affairs and contact for all other issues:
Jens C. Schneider
Rechtsanwalt – Attorney at law
Ludwigsplatz 9
35390 Gießen
Phone: +49 – 641 – 32049
Fax: +49 – 641 – 33771
E-Mail: Schneider-Anwalt@t-online.de
Web: www.schneideranwalt.de

autograph card:
see aforementioned address
(incl. EUR 1,80 return envelope in DIN A5 to Germany or EUR 3,30 to the rest of the world)

Booking Agent (Worldwide):
Rod MacSween
6th Floor 9 Kingsway
London WC2B 6XF
Phone: +4 4 – 20 – 763 769 79
Fax: +4 4 – 20 – 763 769 78
E-Mail: rod@itb.co.uk
Web: itb.co.uk

Booking Agent (North America):
Christopher Dalston
CAA2000 Avenue of the Stars
Los Angeles, CA 90067
Phone: 001 – 424 288 2000
E-Mail: cdalston@caa.com

Editorial Office
Scorpions Musikproduktions- und Verlags GmbH
Bohlenweg 8
30835 Langenhagen
USt-IDNr.: DE 173213819

Publicist (Worldwide):
Peter Lanz
Lanz Unlimited Communications
Mauerkircherstraße 40
81679 München
Phone +49 89 478167
Fax. +49 89 477914
E-Mail: com@lanz-unlimited.de
Web: www.lanz-unlimited.de

Marketing (North America):
Robert Dippold
Primary Wave Entertainment
116 East 16th Street (9th floor)
New York, NY 10003
E-Mail: RDippold@primarywave.com